Site icon BikePortland

Greetings from California

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I’m down in Orange County visiting family and I won’t be back until Dec. 29th. I’ve only been here about 5 days now, but I already miss Portland. We’ve rented a mini-van and I’ve done more driving in the past few days than I have for the past 6 months. Everywhere I look there are rivers of cars…

While I’m down here, besides hanging with the fam, I’ll be working as usual but you might see less posts than you’ve gotten used to. It’s been an amazing past few months here on and I want to get a fresh perspective, work on some housekeeping issues with the site and complete some exciting new features that I hope to tell you about soon.

Also, due to a recent influx of spam, I am now moderating all comments that come in from first-time commenters. So if you leave a comment and it doesn’t post right away, that’s the reason.

Thanks for reading and keep me in your bikey thoughts!


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