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It’s not us vs. them

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

In the last several days there has been a flurry of discussion in the bike community about safety on our streets. I have been inspired by the outpouring of energy and dialogue around this issue. There is much more to be said and done, and I have no doubt that because of all of your comments, emails and input our streets will be safer for all of us.

I want to just remind everyone that we will get much further toward positive change if we resist the temptation to generalize and label each other. The bottom line is that not all people who drive cars are evil and hell-bent on hogging the roads for themselves. And vice versa, people that drive must not fall into the trap of labeling and generalizing all cyclists as being of a certain attitude or worldview.

There are rogue cyclists that ride with complete disregard for the law, and there are drivers who are not aware of cyclists or who simply don’t respect them at all. There are bad apples in every bunch. We (the good apples) need to lead the way and continue this dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration for each other. It is vitally important to the safety of cyclists that this dialogue does not devolve into “us vs. them.”

This bike community is making a difference already. Ideas and energy are being injected into our leaders downtown in no small part because of your input. I hope you’ll stay tuned for more opportunities to make our community a better place to ride and live. Thank you.

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