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Adidas to pay $1 million for cycle track on North Greeley Ave

The cycle-track would upgrade the existing protected lane on Greeley.
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

Footwear and apparel company Adidas America Inc is poised to spend $1 million for the construction of a cycle-track on the street outside their headquarters in the Overlook neighborhood of north Portland.

City Council is expected to adopt an ordinance (PDF) on Wednesday that will authorize an agreement between Adidas and the City of Portland to give the company a $1 million System Development Charge credit. Adidas in in the midst of a major expansion that will build three new buildings and nearly double the number of employees at the location.

According to the council ordinance, “The City will provide an SDC credit not exceeding $1 million in
value in exchange for Adidas America, lnc.’s construction of the cycle track. This credit will reduce the amount of SDCs Adidas America, Inc. will owe the City under a building permit to develop the properties.”

This project is part of the the Killingsworth/Interstate Connected Centers project, which has already been approved by council via the Transportation SDC project list (PDF).


The southern end of this new cycle track (we’re still waiting to learn more about specific design details) will connect to PBOT’s North Greeley Multi-use Path project that’s slated to begin construction this month.

To the north, the cycle track will eventually connect to city’s North Willamette Blvd Active Transportation Corridor project. PBOT has requested $4.45 million in federal grant funds for that project.

In the application for the Willamette Blvd project, PBOT wrote,

“The project, combined with an upcoming project on Greeley Ave, would also provide direct low-stress access to the Adidas North American Headquarters, which currently employs 1700 people and is expanding to 2800 employees in the coming years. PBOT has been working with Adidas to improve their Transportation Demand Management policies, but we also need to provide safe and comfortable active transportation access for these efforts to be successful in staving off major growth in single-occupant vehicle trips to their campus.”

This stretch of Greeley already has a bike lane that’s protected from other lanes by paint striping and plastic wands. We’ve requested details about the design of the new cycle track and will share more information once we receive it.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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